Junior League of Savannah to Host 10th Annual Fit Kids Fest on Saturday, February 19 at Savannah Children’s Museum
Annual event promotes wellness for K–12 students
SAVANNAH, GA (January 13, 2022) — The Junior League of Savannah is proud to host its 10th Annual Fit Kids Fest on Saturday, February 19 from 1–4 p.m. at its new location, the Savannah Children’s Museum. The Savannah Children’s Museum is located at 655 Louisville Road in Savannah. Continuously one of the area’s most highly anticipated free community events, Fit Kids Fest teaches the importance of growing a fit body and mind through a fun and interactive day designed for children of all ages and their parents. Together, we can improve health awareness and encourage children to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.
“The Junior League of Savannah is proud to support the well-being of children and families in our community,” said Kathryn Campbell, 2022 Fit Kids Fest Chair. “Our Fit Kids Fest encourages good health for our children by showing families easy ways to stay physically active and to make the right food choices…all in a free, fun event!”
This engaging event promotes overall wellness for K–12 students and introduces participants to academic resources in the community in addition to teaching how to make healthy choices and live an active lifestyle. Activities for the 2022 Fit Kids Fest will include free, full access to the Savannah Children’s Museum including a life-size maze, slides, and sensory garden; a healthy scavenger hunt; a trail mix remix station; and face painting. The first 150 children to arrive will receive a free t-shirt and other swag items. Raffle prizes, including sports equipment, will be awarded to participants. The Savannah school with the most students in attendance will receive a cash prize for sports/PE equipment.
For more information about the 2022 Fit Kids Fest, visit jrleaguesav.org/fit-kids-fest. For those interested in participating as a vendor at the event, email jrleaguesavfkf@gmail.com or call event chair Kathryn Campbell at 704-267-6077.
The Junior League of Savannah is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
We are proud to have served Savannah and the surrounding communities for 95 years.